Dr. D. Demirel, MD

Dr. Demirel reviews content on hair transplantations and hair loss, ensuring accurate and trustworthy information.

Dr. D. Demirel, MD

General Surgeon (Chief of Medicine IdealofMeD.)

Dr. Demirel is IdealofMeD.’s Chief of Medicine managing all medical activities together with approximately 10 medical teams under his umbrella, assisting him with surgeries.

Dr. Demirel has over 37 years of experience in medicine and 34 years of experience in surgery, performing over 8000 surgeries.


  • 2019- IdealofMeD., Chief of Medicine, İstanbul/Turkey
  • 2019- İzmir Belediye Hospital, Senior Guest Surgeon, İzmir/Turkey
  • 2000-2018 Alsancak State Hospital, Senior Surgeon & Operations Director, İzmir/Turkey
  • 1991-2000 Gediz Hospital, Senior Surgeon & Medical Director, Kütahya/Turkey
  • 1990-1991 Hakkari Military Hospital, Surgeon, Hakkari/Turkey
  • 1983-1985 Antakya Medical Unit, General Practitioner, Antakya/Turkey