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A Full Guide on Androgenetic Alopecia

A genetically predetermined condition called androgenetic alopecia results from an overactive androgen response. This disorder, which affects up to 50% of both sexes, is defined by the progressive loss of the scalp’s terminal hair at any point after puberty. Both in males and females, it is distributed in a distinctive way. While women’s frontal hairlines are often spared from diffuse hair loss at the crown and top of the head.

androgenetic alopecia

Causes of Androgenetic Alopecia in Men & Women

Genetics and the impact of androgens, or male sex hormones, are two factors that contribute to androgenetic alopecia. DHT is a byproduct of testosterone, the main androgen hormone produced by a man’s body. DHT is crucial for the prenatal and adolescent development of male characteristics such as the prostate gland, facial hair, and external genitalia. However, the connection between DHT and male hair loss becomes stronger as you age. Your hair follicles may become damaged, as a result, become smaller, and cease growing new hairs.

In women who are genetically predisposed to it, androgens are the root cause of androgenetic alopecia (AGA), commonly known as female pattern hair loss. Between the ages of 12 and 40, the thinning starts, and the polygenic inheritance pattern is present. Numerous hormone-related conditions, such as some ovarian cysts, taking birth control tablets with a high androgen index, pregnancy, and menopause, can result in androgenic alopecia.

Androgenetic Alopecia as Well as Other Illnesses

It’s interesting to note that DHT may have an impact on some of the other men’s and women’s health conditions that are linked to androgenetic alopecia.

For instance, studies have revealed associations between benign prostatic hyperplasia and coronary heart disease as well as androgenetic alopecia (BPH). Additionally, it is linked to conditions including diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and prostate cancer.

It’s crucial to realise that losing your hair doesn’t automatically imply that you’ll experience any of these issues, and the opposite is also true.

Symptoms of Androgenetic Alopecia

Hair loss, particularly hair loss that manifests in a specific pattern, is the most prevalent and visible symptom of androgenetic alopecia.

  • It’s typical to lose 50 to 100 hairs every day. These hairs come out naturally as a result of your hair’s development cycle, which sees your hair reach its full length, rest, and then shed when a new hair grows in to replace the old one.
  • If you have androgenetic alopecia, you might notice that your hairline (especially the region above both temples) or your crown is being affected by a certain pattern of hair loss.
  • As a result of this hair loss, your hairline may eventually resemble an M, with more flesh showing around your temples.
  • The degree of androgenetic alopecia might vary. Some people go completely bald, but others merely lose a little hair from the crown or hairline

Androgenetic Alopecia Treatments

It is possible to treat androgenetic alopecia. You may typically slow down or halt future hair loss by taking early action and getting therapy as soon as you start to notice your hair thinning.

In some circumstances, it might also be feasible to grow new hair in areas with obvious thinning, such as close to the crown or along the hairline. Below you will find a few treatments that could help with your androgenetic alopecia condition.


The oral drug finasteride lowers your body’s levels of DHT, the hormone that contributes to androgenetic alopecia. By obstructing DHT, it aids in reducing or halting the DHT-related harm to your hair follicles that results in hair loss. Finasteride can slow down, stop, and even reverse hair loss, according to research. For instance, two one-year studies discovered that daily finasteride uses significantly improved hair growth in adults with androgenetic alopecia.


A topical drug that promotes hair growth is called minoxidil. It functions by accelerating blood flow to your scalp and hair follicles and causing hairs to enter the anagen (growth) phase of the hair development cycle.

According to research, minoxidil is effective in treating androgenetic alopecia. In a major trial, minoxidil was used to treat males with androgenetic alopecia for 12 months, and 84.3 percent of those men said that it was extremely successful, effective, or moderately helpful at promoting hair growth.

5AR Inhibitors

The FDA has approved finasteride, a 5AR inhibitor, for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. By blocking type II 5AR, the medication prevents the conversion of testosterone to DHT. TABLE 1.4 lists dosage, adverse effects, and counselling recommendations.

Studies have been done contrasting finasteride 0.25% and 0.5% topical solution with oral finasteride 1 mg due to unacceptable side effects with oral finasteride. Although the studies were modest, they showed that hair growth improved similarly while experiencing fewer negative effects than the groups receiving topical medication.

Laser Therapy – Low-level

Androgenetic alopecia has also been treated with low-level laser therapy. At some wavelengths, it appears that lasers can stimulate the development of hair; the exact mechanism underlying this effect is still unknown. There are several laser therapy tools available, such as a comb, a hood, and a helmet that one can wear on their head.

The only one of them with FDA approval is the HairMax LaserComb. 5 A meta-analysis was performed to evaluate the potency of nonsurgical AGA therapies. When compared to placebo, low-level laser light therapy resulted in a mean difference in hair count of 17.66 hairs/cm2 (P .00001). 9 To improve outcomes, this therapy may be combined with pharmacological therapy.


Patients who suffer from androgenetic alopecia can benefit from microneedling, which has grown in popularity. It is now utilised to enhance the administration of topical drugs after being used earlier for cosmetic purposes. In order to induce neovascularization, release growth factors, and enhance the expression of Wnt proteins in the skin, many tiny needles, typically coupled to a roller, are used in the microneedling procedure.

The release of certain growth factors and activation of the hair bulge cause hair development, and it has been discovered that Wnt proteins encourage dermal papillae to produce stem cells, which results in hair growth. Microneedling has been utilised with PRP and is typically used in conjunction with topical therapies like minoxidil.

Hair Transplantation

Androgenetic alopecia therapy options that are frequently employed include hair transplantation. Because surgical techniques and skill levels range, the effectiveness of the treatment differs. Hair follicles from androgen-resistant scalp regions are removed during hair transplantation and placed in androgen-dependent regions. Results usually become apparent 6 to 8 months following the transplant, and the usage of pharmaceuticals such as minoxidil may be necessary to stop the condition’s progression.

New Emerging Therapies

Using autologous PRP injections to treat androgenetic alopecia is a new method. Blood is drawn to collect the platelets, which are subsequently isolated, concentrated, and processed using a variety of techniques using commercially available kits. Growth factors that are released by platelets play a role in the activation of endothelium and stem cells.

Hair Loss Prevention Tips

You can take a variety of actions to reduce or stop hair loss caused by androgenetic alopecia. However, what to do will depend on the cause of your hair loss. You should visit your doctor if your hair loss is ongoing. Your doctor might be able to determine whether your hair loss is brought on by conditions including thyroid problems, stress, scalp infections, androgenic alopecia, or just age.

Vitamins: Vitamin A helps keep hair by producing sebum, an oily substance.

Image Supplements Description
androgenetic alopecia - Saw palmetto Saw palmetto This herb, which is made from the fruit of American dwarf pine trees, might assist men in maintaining their testosterone levels. Sixty percent of those using saw palmetto reported better hair growth. The study’s recommended dosage was 200 mg per day.
androgenetic alopecia - Biotin Biotin Fatty acid production in the body is aided by biotin, often known as vitamin H or vitamin B7. If you lack this mechanism, which is crucial to the life cycle of your hair, you can lose your hair. Discuss taking three to five milligrams each day with your doctor.
androgenetic alopecia -ginseng Ginseng Certain phytochemicals found in ginseng may encourage the growth of scalp hair. For recommendations on particular dosages, more research is required. In the meanwhile, discuss ginseng supplementation with your physician and think about experimenting with topical ginseng products.
androgenetic alopecia -Multivitamins Multivitamins Iron, selenium, zinc, vitamins A, B, C, and D, as well as iron and cell turnover, have all been found to be crucial to the processes of hair development and retention. You can ask your doctor to prescribe one for you, or you can purchase daily multivitamins at the majority of pharmacies and supermarket stores.

Helpful Diets to Help Prevent Further Hair Loss Caused by Androgenetic Alopecia

If you look at someone’s hair, you can tell the most about their health. The best way to employ these nutrients to improve the condition of your hair and get stunning, luscious curls is as follows! The simplest way to determine someone’s health is to look at their hair. Here’s how to use these nutrients to enhance the health of your hair and achieve gorgeous, luscious curls as a result! Here are some of the best foods to stop hair loss.

  • Vitamin A Diet: Retinoids, which make up a portion of vitamin A, have been found to speed up hair development. The production of sebum may be aided by this vitamin, which would maintain the scalp healthy and able to hold onto more hairs. Put a lot of vitamin A-rich items on your diet, like spinach, sweet potatoes, and bell peppers.
  • Mediterranean diet: The Mediterranean diet, which includes raw vegetables and fresh herbs, may lower the incidence of androgenic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness) or delay the development of the condition. The best outcomes were seen when participants ingested these foods in large quantities more than three days a week, such as parsley, basil, and salad greens.
  • Protein Diet: Keratin, a type of protein, makes up the majority of hair follicles. Participants’ dietary inadequacies were identified by participants with hair loss, particularly amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. Consuming a diet high in protein could stop hair loss. Eggs, almonds, beans and peas, fish, low-fat dairy products, chicken, and turkey are examples of foods that could help.

Androgenetic Alopecia | Looking After Your Hair

A number of signs can be used to classify hair loss. Androgenic alopecia, commonly known as male- or female-pattern baldness, is more prevalent in males over 50 and women who have already gone through menopause. Here are a few tips you might find helpful.

Massage: The dermal papilla cells, which are found at the base of the hair follicle, are hypothesised to develop and thicken hair when stretched during a massage. These cells are essential for the expansion and development of hair as well as for the cycle of shedding and renewal.

Use a mild shampoo: Without harming your hair, wash and condition your hair using a mild shampoo and conditioner. Hair that is thinning or losing strength is delicate and prone to harm. Here is what dermatologists advise their patients who are experiencing hair loss to do:

Utilise a mild shampoo. Some shampoos can dry out your hair by removing moisture.

  • After every wash, use a hydrating mild conditioner. Your strands are coated with conditioner, which lessens breakage and split ends.
  • Use a detangler or leave-in conditioner. Applying this after washing and conditioning your hair on a regular basis will help to lessen breakage, split ends, and frizz.
  • To speed up drying, wrap your hair in a microfiber towel.

Avoid harsh hair treatments: Do not subject your hair to severe procedures like bleaching, hair colour, or heating tools. Your hair may also be affected by hairstyles like braids or tight ponytails. Washing your hair and scalp frequently will help keep your scalp healthy.

Hair tightly pulled hairstyles: Stop wearing your hair in buns, ponytails, pigtails, or other tightly pulled-back styles. Anything that tugs on your hair over time may result in permanent hair loss. At Hairstyles that pull can lead to hair loss, you can learn about styling adjustments that can help you stop this kind of hair loss.

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There's a lot to learn about hair loss and hair loss solutions. As a passionate writer, Wendy decided to share what she learns on

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