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Ice FUE Hair Transplant – What You Need To Know

A new method of hair transplants has arrived. While the traditional method of removing and transplanting hair is still used in the Ice FUE hair transplant method, the stage at which the hair is stored has now been improved.

When a typical Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant is performed, after the hair has been harvested from the donor area, it is placed in a normal PH solution to prepare it for transplant and to preserve it. Factors such as temperature control were hard to control effectively. This could often influence the hair follicles and in some cases, the chances that individual hair follicles could be successfully transplanted were diminished.

The ice FUE hair transplant is a less invasive surgery. It results in a quicker healing time with much less scaring. A natural look is achieved and the survival ratio for each hair follicle is close to 100%.

What makes the Ice FUE Method better?

The success rate of hair transplants has risen significantly thanks to the ice technique. After the surgeon has harvested the follicles and the hair has been carefully sorted, they are placed in transplantation containers.

The liquid in which the hair is placed is kept at a very low temperature. This allows the grafts a longer than 4-6 hour life expectancy while out of the scalp. The solution they are preserved in contains vitamins, biotin and antioxidants, that further assist in not only maintaining the health of the transplanted hair but give them a boost. The treatment that the hair grafts go through during the frozen FUE hair transplant is what considerably improves their likelihood of surviving.

Ice FUE hair transplant

Ideal FUE Sapphire ICE Hair Transplant in Turkey

At IdealofMeD, we use the Ideal FUE Sapphire ICE Method. It is a technique that combines the most advanced techniques, with the latest technology. You are now offered one of the best possibilities attainable for a successful hair transplant in Turkey thanks to this and their skilled and experienced medical team.

During the procedure, grafts taken from the donor area with the help of a next-generation micro-motor, are collected one by one and sorted by the doctors and nurses in accordance with the number of hair follicles per graft. Up to this point, it is similar to the traditional FUE, although the scalpel used for removal is advanced.

In the Ideal FUE Sapphire ICE Method, these grafts are put in special containers with transplantation fluids that are regularly monitored in terms of temperature to match the proper PH of bodily fluids. By ensuring that the grafts remain in this fluid from the time they are taken until their transplantation, their chances of survival are greatly increased.

Combined with Sapphire Tools

Coupled with the Sapphire technique, we can greatly enhance results. With experts who are skilled in using next-generation sapphire tools and techniques, Patients receive long-lasting and natural-looking outcomes.

Unlike those made of steel or titanium, the scalpels used to open the channels are made of sapphire and are hence sharper. In particular, these are the characteristics of the blades:

  • Extraction phase: this phase is performed with hollow sapphire needles, with a diameter of 0.6-0.9 mm.
  • Micro-channel opening phase: the sapphire needles are available in different sizes (from 0.8 to 1.5 mm).

Depending on the patient’s hair structure, the team can select the size from this range that will best open the canal. The incisions are placed in a direction of 40–45 degrees, respecting the natural direction of hair growth.

The use of this innovation allows us to achieve an even higher level of quality compared to traditional hair transplant techniques. The incisions are smaller, so the healing time is quicker, pain is reduced and temporary scaring is kept to an absolute minimum.

Advantages of hair transplants with a sapphire scalpel

The FUE procedure using sapphire scalpels has many benefits over the conventional one, including;

  • Reduced bleeding: The micro-channels can be opened in a V form rather than the traditional U shape thanks to the sharp blades. By enabling them to be smaller, this method of opening micro-channels results in less bleeding.
  • Greater graft density: Multiple grafts can be concentrated on the same surface using smaller V-channels. 40–60 units can be implanted with the conventional FUE procedure. However, 80–120 units per square centimetre are achievable when using the sapphire scalpel method of hair grafting.
  • Greater control of the follicular unit’s direction: Thanks to the greater precision of the sapphire scalpel, the result is a more natural look.
  • Shorter healing period: Recovering from a hair transplant is accelerated, and there is less chance of developing skin issues. The scalp surface also stays smooth. With this approach, there are fewer complications and a faster recovery time following a hair transplant.

It is important to always follow the steps for post-op care recommended by the experts. By following their advice as well as using the products you are supplied with – pre and post-surgery, you can be assured that your Frozen FUE hair transplant has the highest chance of success.

Ice FUE Hair Transplant at IdealofMeD

As of Monday 1st August 2022, these Ice FUE and DHI techniques will be used on patients where it is beneficial. For more information about the services that IdealofMeD offer, contact us on WhatsApp or Messenger.

Jo is a content writer who is passionate about writing and enjoys sharing her knowledge of health and hair transplants with

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